Karma Update
Whew! Taking a break! The writing bug returned in full force. And, holy crap, my muse has me breaking a sweat!
While it is NaNoWriMo (National November Writers Month), I don't keep to a writing schedule. I love to write and do so when time permits. It comes as no surprise that it typically occurs in spurts. For the past week, "Karma" has gotten some chunk around its midsection. As of this post, the outline contains 35K words and is 122 pages long.
My wife has been moved by the story, having shed more than a few tears after getting caught up in the story. You know when you hate what you read while, at the same time, loving it to a point that you can't put it down? Today she learned that one of the characters in the story will not be crossing the finish line, which enraged her. How could I be so cruel?
"Karma" begins in Mississippi in 1949. After being struck by lightning on church grounds at the tender age of nine, Mary wakes from a coma three days later without a single mark on her body and no recollection of the event that would forever change her life. Mary soon learns that she has a unique ability to transform someone's fortune however she saw fit--good or bad--simply by touching them. After decades sweep past, Mary considers whether the peculiar power was a gift or a curse.
NEXT UP IN KARMA: Mary and her family will embark on a trip to New York City-- a place they have talked about visiting for years. It will give them a chance to visit their aunt, who had found success in the fashion industry. While exploring the Big Apple, they decide upon an adventurous idea: visit a palm reader. It is here that Mary will discover a much darker and more astonishing revelation about her gift than she realized was possible.