What's Next After Writing First Book of 11:34 Series?
I printed 2 copies of the manuscript to perform a reading. The book is read aloud with others. I or they read a chapter at a time. While reading, I mark up the manuscript with minor changes - a word or phrase - or corrections. At this point, the edits should be very minor.
Once the reading is done, the book is edited for the final time. The completed manuscript will now sit and wait.
It is now time to hunt for literary agents. Their web sites provide very specific guidelines for submissions, which usually includes a query letter, bio, synopsis, and a few pages from the manuscript.
Then there is the 2-month waiting period. Sometimes the agent responds, but often they will not. Rejections are part of the writing experience.
What will I do if I receive no hits? There is always e-publishing, something I intend to do if the literary agent route doesn't pan out.
11:34 is a series, and currently I am writing its sequel.