Test of Mettle Contest
I'm looking for my fans who read Cataclysm. This contest ends at noon Central Time on September 17, 2021 so you'll have time with this one.
- Contest Rules
- Send ONE email to fanmail@mjdelconte.com before September 17, 2021. Multiple entries will removed.
- Applies to residents of the U.S., Canada, and U.K. only.
- This contest is purely subjective. Prizes will be determined by MJ DelConte at his sole discretion. A winner will be selected by MJ based on genuine, well-thought out responses.
- Answer the following questions:
Q1: What is your name?
Q2: Which of the Test of Mettle stories in Cataclysm were your favorite, and why did you like them? (Include a minimum of 1 choice with up to 2 total; include a brief summary why you enjoyed these particular stories.)
Extra credit
Include a pic of you with your paperback novel, or, if you own an eBook, include a pic of you holding your e-device opened to the Cataclysm title page.
"The Executive" prize pack, which includes a signed copy of Elimination plus some cool swag shipped to you. (Over a $100 value!)