The Waiting Game
As the final seconds ticked bringing an end to 2018, I was already anxiously awaiting to hear back from any of the 19 literary agencies I submitted query letters. As the days turned into weeks, 2019 kicked off a tad more ominously than I had hoped as I tallied 8 rejection letters and 11 no-shows. I went back to work this week, locating and submitting queries to 21 new agents. Before I completed the latest batch, one agent sent a rejection.
That brings the total number of submissions to 40. I am waiting to hear back from 20 of the 21 I queried this week. Response times range from 1 to 3 weeks up to 3 months. Some agencies did not share an ETA while others said responses would only be made if they were interested.
There are limits to the waiting game. I have actual dates and a number of queries in mind before I swerve from the brick-and-mortar road onto the e-publishing path. One way or the other, 11:34 is coming soon, and its sequel is not far behind.