2018 New Year Newsletter
Happy New Year one and all. This will be a year of change, dedication, and discipline. I committed these past few months to these ideas in my everyday life and have come up cherries. No reason to stop now while the table is hot.
11:34 UPDATE
One year ago, I completed 11:34, its query letter, and began to peddle my novel to literary agents. It was also at that time that I broke ground for its sequel. A couple months later, I attempted to enter a James Patterson contest just for a chance to work with a master and fulfill my dream of publishing 11:34. Though the contest did not pan out as I had hoped, the dream was kept alive while I waited to hear back from literary agencies. 200 pages into the sequel and many months later, I received 2 rejection letters. Though I was certainly excited to know someone took the time to look at my work, I knew I had to make some changes. The novel did not flow well into the sequel. I took time to read the ending and did not find it as cunning as I had first thought. Over the past 2 months, I worked on making improvements. I am pleased to announce that the first novel and its edited query letter are ready to peddle once more!