11:34 - All Hell Breaks Loose (Book 2)
All Hell Breaks Loose is the second book planned for the 11:34 series.
I finished writing the 2nd of the 2 cornerstone Test of Mettle stories for the 11:34 saga, both appearing in this book. This latest story is titled, "Tow to Tow with a Demon," and it takes place in Glendale, Arizona, on Independence Day, 2014. The spotlight of this story is the moment one of Lucifer's minions breaks free and roams among man unbound to the rules governing the Test of Mettle. This single demon causes significant damage as well as a tremendous amount of carnage, killing hundreds in short span of time. Imagine what happens when Lucifer opens his realm to Earth and unleashes thousands upon thousands of his demons. If only someone could put a stop to the Test of Mettle and bring an end to the looming Apocalypse before it's too late.
Tow to Tow with a Demon is the longest story written to date at 65 pages and 18,542 words. This story alone will take up about 1/5 of a standard 300-page novel. The Demon and the Doer, the other series-turning story, is 50 pages and just over 17,000 words.
As of this update, the sequel stands at 168 pages and 50,372 words in length.